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J3 Media

Print & Digital Publishing, Audio, Video, Podcasts, Graphic Design, Animation, and Digital Asset Creation.

New Books Available Now

Dux Galacticus

A tech-noir guide to "The 87 Intelligent Species of the Known Universe", with over 348 original photographs combining a steampunk aesthetic with modernist narratives.

Blacklight Dino

Immerse yourself in a captivating journey where dinosaurs come to life in 136 full-color blacklight illustrations that leap off the page.


This Horror-Photography book features "A Collection of Photos Found on the Side of a Highway in 1961" - Begging the question "WHO left these terrifying photos behind, ..and why?"

“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the J3 team are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jane Miller


Cutting edge videos that bring classic works of literature to life.

Step into a world where imagination knows no bounds with J3 Media’s dynamic animated videos crafted through our groundbreaking Raven FX engine. Embark on an unforgettable journey where every frame pulsates with creativity and innovation, igniting a passion for exploration and discovery in viewers of all ages.


Whether you’re curious about features, a free trial, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.